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Essential Kitchen Design Package:
Floor Plans, Cabinet Layout, & Quote

Complimentary 1hr (In-Person) Consultation

Here I will meet with you and walk through your space, discussing your project needs and any questions you may have. I will take measurements on site, in case you wish to proceed with any of the design package options.


Space Planning and Cabinet Layout

Develop a functional layout for the kitchen, optimising the placement of appliances, cabinets, work surfaces  and storage. Includes up to 2x revisions as needed, to ensure the design works with the constructed space.


Budgeting and Cost Estimation

We will have a design meeting to provide an estimated cost of the project. Includes an estimated cost of cabinets, countertops, and other materials to ensure the project stays within your budget.


Detailed Drawings and Plans

I will create detailed floor plans, elevations and 3D cabinetry renderings to visualize the design and facilitate construction.


Ordering - Cabinets, Countertops and Other Materials

From the final layout and cabinet specification I will provide you with the cabinet and countertop pricing and order form. You will be all set for the installation of your kitchen!


Contractors and Construction

I will collaborate with contractors and builders to ensure proper execution of the design.

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